Badr Al Samaa Group of Hospitals regularly organize educational & knowledge sharing events, health screening camps, awareness talks for the benefit of doctors, patients and community at large.
Badr Al Samaa
Group of Hospitals marked its 20th anniversary in a grand
celebration event.Badr Al Samaa Group of Hospitals marked its 20th anniversa...
Badr Al Samaa Launches Centre for Cancer Care
in Association with KarkinosBadr Karkinos Centre for Cancer Care which happens to be the first of its k...
An advanced centre for Ophthalmology,
Apex Specialized Eye Centre launched in Azaibah, MuscatAn advanced centre for Ophthalmology, Apex Specialized E...
MoH under the auspices of Badr Al Samaa organized conference on Public Private Collaboration for Disease ControlThe conference on public private colla...
Dr. Benny Panakkal, Senior Consultant Interventional Cardiologist, Badr Al Samaa Group of Hospitals was recently awarded the prestigious American Fell...
CARDIOCON 2 is the second edition of now-famous Cardiology Conference and Workshop organized by Badr Al Samaa Group of Hospitals. Around 300 delegates...